
Secondary nose corrections

Course overview

Short description of this course:

Unwanted surgical nose corrections with deformed and over-resected small results are hard to deal with. Surgery course in live sessions. Individual side-by-side trainings in the clinic with coaching surgeon and team.

Please notice: Individual costs for traveling and accommodation are paid by the coachees or their sponsors

Course type:
Course at the coach
Intended course schedule:
2-3 day course
Expected cases during course period circa:
2 per day
Course region:
Bonn, Germany
Course continent:
Course language(s):
English, German
Fees for this course:
€ 6.000,−

Course content

Different reconstruction patterns for bony vault, chondral vault and nose tip are set in context to the individual case after exact analysis of the different failures to be treated. Donor grafts from temporal fascia, ear cartilage and rip are harvested to the individual demands of the case to reconstruct each of the affected anatomical regions.

About your coach:

Coach profession:
Coach specialization:
Craniomaxillofacial- and Plastic-aesthetic Surgeon
Coach by Brilliant-Skills since:
Coach and team perform these skills and procedure(s) since:
Number of course-relevant cases performed by coach and team monthly circa:

Coach Names

In compliance with the personal rights of all coaches and coachees at Brilliant-Skills, we are happy to share names only on individual inquiries. Of course, fair for everyone involved, free of charge and without obligation before deciding on a course.

Get your individual information

We would be happy to provide you with further individual information on the name of the coach, her/his institute and the course location(s) as well as answers to your specific questions about this course offer.

Send us the form below without obligation, so that the Brilliant-Skills team can answer you - if required also after consultation with the coach - according to your demands.

    Personal information
    Your suggestion for a possible course period (not binding)
    Are there any exceptions in suggested period when you cannot attend this course?
    Further remarks
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