Course content
With this course you will be able to perform intimate surgery at expert level.
Learn all the basics but especially all the pitfalls and pearls never shown in books or live demos.
During your visit, we share an almost normal surgery day at my clinic with two interesting surgical cases and enough time to discuss all your questions.
If there are specific cases you are interested in, please let us know in advance, so we can arrange patients fitting your needs.
About your coach:
- Coach profession:
- Plastic Surgeon
- Coach specialization:
- Female Genial Surgery
- Coach by Brilliant-Skills since:
- 2021
- Coach and team perform these skills and procedure(s) since:
- 2005
- Number of course-relevant cases performed by coach and team monthly circa:
- 40
Get your individual information
We would be happy to provide you with further individual information on the name of the coach, her/his institute and the course location(s) as well as answers to your specific questions about this course offer.
Send us the form below without obligation, so that the Brilliant-Skills team can answer you - if required also after consultation with the coach - according to your demands.